Advantages and Disadvantages From Online Public Transportation

Public online transportation is transport of passengers by group travel systems available for use by the general public and based on online. The difference from public transportation is, in online the customer have to order the vehicle they need and also their location & destination location.

In Indonesia there are so many companies manage public online transportation. For examples, Grab, Gojek, Uber, and many more. Beside foreign company, there are also local company made by Indonesian creative people. Example : Gojek. And each company have their uniqueness to attract customers. From that all, of course there are strength and weakness from online public transportation.

First, for the strength. Online public transportation have so many benefit. For sure, it's very easy in terms of transportation, we don't have to waiting at the bus stop. Angkot usually packed with people, but on online we won't feel that situation. Other advantage is online public transportation Is safety because they have Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Also when we use online transportation the payment ia cheaper than conventional transportation. Next, online transportation isn't only take the services of purchase and delivery. And many more advantages. 

Second, the weakness of online public transportation Is weaken conventional transportation.  It actually making the streets more jammed. In conventional transportation, one vehicle can bring a Lot of people so it can reduce the vehicle in the road. There are some conflict happen between conventional ojek and online transportation, those who don't join online transportation complaints that they get power income than those who join online. In online, we are very dependent on the signal in ordering online transportation.

Online transportation Is very influentain on people's lives. The conclusion is from the advantages of online transportation Is making our live easier and the disadvantages Is very dependent on the signal in ordering online transportation.
